The ChongHwa Exam Week~

From monday onwards, we have to sleep late, grow panda eyes and wake up early... NOT a smart thing to do, but what choice do we have?

ZhenMei was so kuat last time, man.

Her life on the 409-6 bed: Wake-up - Off to School - Come back from School - Sleep - Bathe - Dinner? - Study(Zi Xiu) - Study - Study - Sleep a Little - Study - Sleep a little More - *repeat*

What's her secret??

SPM year lo~ >.<


Amy Sim said...

I also kuat la... always sleep.

~409~ said...

wa.. so miss me meh=="
maybe... u can try to change bed with yee shian..
so that u can find the secret
hehe >.<

~409~ said...

Sorry loh amyy >.<
Now i know the pain....

P.S: Tee zhen, did u hide the secret INSIDE THE MATTRESS??

~409~ said...

dat y i ask u to change bed
but u didnt do dat also >(
