
Anyone can tell me what can i do?!

i thought except my class, another can make me more happy's place is 409...
But now...I do not think! Mistake! Wrong!

Back to the room every day..talk to anyone. . no one listened to me..
Or with others, will make them angry..I feel that I am doing something wrong...Up to all my fault!
When I know that I do some unpleasnt things and let everyone no happy...so I decided when I returned to the room I dont wan talk..just be "cool gurl"...
But you still think of me in a bad mood, do not tell me then, as if I will eat you..

There are more things bother me..but I do not know how to tell you all..worried that you all will feel that I am petty, childish!

Tell you all these..didnt wan you all do any for me. . Only hope that someone can tell me why I will have to face this kind of treatment. . I really do wrong?WHO CAN TELL ME WAT CAN I DO?i really felt very very hard...


Amy Sim said...

i guess i know who you are.
cheer up girl!
everyone has their ups and downs, including you.
maybe it's just that most of them are in their "down" time.
it will pass...
don't think too much ya
I miss you!

~409~ said...

i don't think i know who are you..
LUILUI, can you tell me?
be happy><
and sorry that if i make you feel uncomfortable..