izzit mid exam

u all really very suei de lo
always ignore this blog
juz like my blog edi

study at taylors for 1 months edi
and juz finish my mid exam
my exam start from 9am-10am
one day one subject
too different with chong hwa
last time i almost everyday burn my midnight oil
but now
everyday sleep and watch movie
oh my god
i really cant imagine that


Amy Sim said...

I thought you're going to Nottingham?

zhEnMEi said...

si kak lui
few months edi
now only know where i study
actually ho
i dono where u study also
paiseh paiseh>.<

Amy Sim said...

you yak si la! XD
TARCollege la remember!
I remember you told me Nottingham before, not meh?
and we missed the 409 outing last time T_T

~409~ said...


At least kar ling went wit us... she looked so beauti-full in high heels!


ehek.... when are you...?

Will upload the photos soon! ^^

Amy Sim said...

who are you?