Scared but bored

SPM year

I must push myself to work harder,
Not to disappoint myself and everyone who believes in me.


I don't feel" the push" yet. I haven't done anything useful for this week, ohmygodd~
The guilt!! BTW I just woke up from a 5-minute sleep on my aunt's couch, covered in sweat and facing the blur dying light of evening.




Amy Sim said...

I too must push myself! GODDAMNIT A-LEVEL EXAM IS COMING!!! I haven't studied even one page.

~409~ said...

come on, cheer up!
i will teman you wake up early to study!

~409~ said...

hey sofy
don so stress la
i prepared my spm during trial leh
so u still got a lot of time..k?
believe urself!!
